Category: Other

Assistant to the map editor v1.0

A small assistant to the map editor. This file does not add and does not make any changes to the editor, it only helps in creating maps with your information. All information is accompanied by pictures. The document consists of one file and does not require installation. The file extension is “.chm” If the file is opened, then the file...

SpinTiresMod.exe version 1.5.3 alpha

What’s included: – Mod for Spintires, supported versions: Steam 03.03.16, MailRu 09.11.16. – Mod for SpinTires Editor. – Built-in version of SpitiresPlus for Spintires v03.03.16. – Utility to work with files of maps LevelTools. – Manager of mods. – Mod for Spintires: MudRunner, supported versions: 26.10.17. – Mod for SpinTires editor: MudRunner – Editor, supported versions: 07.11.17 Beta. Mod Spintires:...

Clear Cache v1.0

A specially written baht file for Spintires: MudRunner, which clears MeshCache and TextureCache, but does not affect the game’s settings and save. Installation: -pack to the folder with the game and run. Authors: Draconus – 304 B

Modified Camera V 1

The camera is corrected, there is no zoom, only the camera position. Installation: copy the default.xml file to \ classes \ cameras \ agreeing to the replacement. Authors: Belial_9 otkorrektirovannaya_kamera_v1_by_belial_9_for_mudr… – 808 B

SpinTiresMod.exe version 1.5.1 alpha

What’s included: – Mod for Spintires, supported versions: Steam 03.03.16, MailRu 09.11.16. – Mod for SpinTires Editor. – Built-in version of SpitiresPlus. – Utility to work with files of maps LevelTools. – Manager of mods. – Mod for Spintires: MudRunner, supported versions: 26.10.17. – Mod for SpinTires editor: MudRunner – Editor, supported versions: 01.11.17 Beta. Mod Spintires: – Support for...

Custom maps in multiplayer version 1

If you try to play multiplayer on third-party maps, the game writes “the game files are different from the original ones”, then this material is for you. In order to launch a custom map in multiplayer you need: 1) Download and upload the file Config.xml to the folder with the game or register a line in it 2) Run the...

Viscosity of dirt as in SpinTires 03.03.16

This mod makes the same viscosity of dirt as in SpinTires 03.03.16 That is now the dirt is not so viscous. Also, the pushing force of water is reduced, the truck will no longer carry so much water. Installation: Temporarily: File media.xml into Media folder. Forever: File media.xml into the archive (located in the root folder of the game)...

New CAMERA angles

Hello guys…for 3 hours with many tweak, here is my new camera view. Could you please give your opinions. I’m just tire right now lol. Copy and past this in you Spintire Mudrunner file: Go to >>>> open >>> default.xml >>>> open with bloc note (erase all) and copy and past what you see down below. Make back up...