ZIL Autocross – Spin Tires 2014
Test Version game: 4.13.15 Very fast zil truck Authors: Unknown zil-130-4×4-autocross.zip – 18.4 MB
Test Version game: 4.13.15 Very fast zil truck Authors: Unknown zil-130-4×4-autocross.zip – 18.4 MB
Added bucket,boxes,berrels,liftkit,kraz wheeles,ural wheeles,4×4 and a good 3 speed transmission with an awesome HI and LO range. Authors: Boxes and berrels made by Gisha 7 Bucket made by ModMens,Ls 2013,Anton Smirnov and Ronnie. DOWNLOAD
Replaces UAZ and ZIL. Author: spunindarkness 3D Model: Sketch up SID_68_Blazer.zip – 16.5 MB
Mod version beta_next. Author: Gregory Sweet (MAJLbIW) platform_with_crane___long_dissolution__1___1_.rar – 32 KB
[ad 1] From spintires.net comes this nice old rusty beat up firetruck. A ZIL 131 which has seen better days but stil kicks ass offroading. Nice work by eXercitus. And i know the post at spintires.net says something about not distributing but i do mention source and author so all credits go to you eXercitus (should you ever read this)....
A new ZIL to thrill us all. Nice mod this from spintires.net which comes with a trailer. Nice level of detail. I did add front wheel drive to this truck so when you engage the all wheel drive the front wheels work. It is needed because this mod has one minor flaw and that is that the back end seems...