Oxford County Trails Map v1.0
Map for trial and test your driving skills. On the map: -1 garage (opened) -1 refueling Authors: SmarOneNine Oxford_County_Trails_MF_0c630.rar – 54.2 MB
Map for trial and test your driving skills. On the map: -1 garage (opened) -1 refueling Authors: SmarOneNine Oxford_County_Trails_MF_0c630.rar – 54.2 MB
On the map: -1 garage (open) -2 refueling -1 fellowships -4 sawmills -11 slots Authors: 3 stars Level-Serpen.zip – 7.8 MB
I placed a standard texture in case someone does not like it. Installation: Move the texture file (gui_compass__d_a, gui_compass_arrow__d_a) to the TextureCache.zip archive in the root folder of the replacement game. Authors: evgen70rus tomsk Compass_textures1.zip – 28 KB
I placed a standard texture in case someone does not like it. Installation: Move the texture file (gui_block__d_a) to the TextureCache.zip archive in the root folder of the replacement game. Authors: evgen70rus tomsk Textures_end_map1.zip – 4 KB
Pack of two border textures to choose from. I placed a standard texture in case someone does not like it. Installation: Move the texture file (gui_block__d_a) to the TextureCache.zip archive in the root folder of the replacement game. Authors: Vyacheslav Bashkirov (RED32) Textures_end_map2.zip – 28 KB
I also put a standard texture, in case someone does not like it. Installation: Move the texture file (models_logs01__d) to the TextureCache.zip archive in the root folder of the replacement game. Authors: Alexey Baranov (ARAB) Tekstures_bereza.zip – 2.2 MB
Mod on request in the table of orders, later updated with the addition of mods K-701 and T-150 K, the original author I do not know – where did the mod itself – was not specified. Has 15 of its addons + 3 standard. View from the cockpit without a dashboard. Authors: aleksandr71 496126a2_MF_770b3.zip – 65.7 MB
The envelope, the author is unknown. The model is freely available. Just finished the model and revived. Has 7 of its add-ons + 7 standard. Authors: komissarovvv5 and Valerih42rus 4h_osnyy_man_by_komissarovvv5_i_valerih42rus_for_m… – 95.0 MB