Category: Spin Tires Mods

Hard Way 2 Map – SpinTires 25.12.15

Game version: 25.12.15 At this time the card is relatively large, but the complexity of the passage is not inferior to the first. On the map: 1-felling One-point loading 1 garage 1-dressing 5 sawmills 8 points of Intelligence Author: Roman-UA level_after_a_hard_path2.rar – 12.0 MB

Map Level Luchesa – SpinTires 25.12.15

Game version: 25.12.15 On the map: 1 refill 5 sawmills 1 felling 1 point loading 1 garage (indoor) 6 cars (UAZ, ZIL, KrAZ, KAMAZ, URAL, MAZ) 4 slots to choose cars 12 points Intelligence The creator Ivan Voschilko Author: Sergey Fedenev – 30.2 MB