Category: Vehicles

Gazelle-3302 – SpinTires 03.03.16

Game version: SpinTires 03.03.16 Mod Gazelle-3302 has 7 of its add-ons, including airborne platform, awning, various booths and others. Ability to work in the fashion and version of the game 12/25/15 Author: Winnie (Vonnie) gazel_3302_ot_08_03_16_by_vinni_vonni.7z – 16.3 MB

Praga V3S – SpinTires 25.12.15c

Game version: SpinTires 25.12.15 & SpinTires 25.12.15c In the fashion of the car two versions: Tial and for transportation. Truck Praga V3S for transportation has 6 of its add-ons, 2 sets of wheels. There are animation wheel and its cargo. Have a good game! Author: Max Dmitriev praga_v3s_1_1_by_maks_dmitriev.7z – 24.4 MB