Forest Tale Map v1.2

I bring to your attention my new work, the map “Forest Tale”.
The map is based only on the author’s imagination.

The archive provides two options (the only difference is in the textures):
Summer and Autumn.

The card was tested on default transport. Difficulty for default transport is slightly above average.
There are asphalt areas, difficult mud areas, steep climbs and descents, many water obstacles, a bit of urban development, a factory for the production of wood diesel fuel and a lot of interesting things.

There are 7 sawmills on the map, but the time to close one of them can be significantly reduced using the log overload method.
To reload logs use unfinished bridges.
As always, there are many “hidden” routes in the area, the density of the forest and the relief are relatively light, so there is always the opportunity to shorten the path.

Passage with long dissolutions is possible.
Map size 1024 * 1024 meters.

On the map:
– 2 loading points
– 2 sawmills
– 2 refueling
– 2 garages (both closed)
– 7 sawmills
– 8 intelligence points
– 2 random cars
– 8 cars on the map
– 4 slots for your equipment.


level_forest_tale.7z – 110.4 MB

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