Chevy K20 version 0.1.1

Has 11 of its own and 4 default add-ons the steering wheel is spinning. Disadvantages: the lights burn when the engine is running, no cardan animation. Authors: DSMT – 55.8 MB

UMZ-6k Tractor

Mod for the tractor UMZ-6k v02.11.17 for Spin Tires: Mudrunner (v26.10.17). It has: 8 of their addons + default view from the cockpit your cargo your sound Authors: FURKAT UMZ-6k46dcbd2b_MF_f5334.rar – 44.7 MB

New CAMERA angles

Hello guys…for 3 hours with many tweak, here is my new camera view. Could you please give your opinions. I’m just tire right now lol. Copy and past this in you Spintire Mudrunner file: Go to >>>> open >>> default.xml >>>> open with bloc note (erase all) and copy and past what you see down below. Make back up...


Excellent off-road car DAIHATSU TAFT v02.11.17 for Spin Tires: Mudrunner (v26.10.17). Features: 2 of their addon view from the cockpit your sound Authors: dwi3514 DAIHATSU_TAFT_GT46d78252_MF_d6a16.rar – 31.2 MB

Swampy Map

just a map i through together 16×16 map 8 vehicle slots 1 refueling 1 garage 1 auto log loading 3 saw mills 4 cloaks Authors: calvin – 19.4 MB


Contains 2 versions of the tractor (one with chains on wheels, the other not) Each has 2 add-ons + 5 standard, its sound and view from the cab. Authors: zidon155 – 26.0 MB

Improved Camera Mod

I ported the “Camera Overview Tweak” mod by lamobot to Mudrunner. I had ported a different one earlier, but this one has much better results! It is a small file, manual install. Steam Workshop is not open to handling camera mods yet. Multiplayer does not work with it. I’m trying to figure out how to though. Authors: ptr1ck –...