TATRA 813 8×8 KOLOS by ARRAIAL and ZIDON 1.1
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1. MAKE BACKUP of original media.zip!!
2.RENAME Tatra_813 ZIDON.xml or Tatra_813 ARRAIAL.xml (media/classes/trucks) to your desired truck that you want to replace in
game ( uaz, ural, kraz, …) !!!!
Zidons xml setting: is like real Tatra – solid chassis and frame, only Tatra “V” axles are moving
Arraials xml setting: “artist impression” – chassis is flexing and swinging
– choose what setting you will like more yourself 😉
3.Then copy files to your game media folder..
To have RED/WHITE stripes on bumpers – replace original textures .dds files with another from ADDON TEXTURES/WITH REDWHITE STRIPES
folder – to TAKE INGAME EFECT you must DELETE TEXTURES CACHE IN APPDATA/ROAMING/SPINTIRES … here are original no strips textures
too included in zip
To have another trailers ( BIG WOOD trailer, atv trailer, dozer trailer as on pics ) need to download them from: https://spintires.lt/new-trailer-pack-2-v1-0/ ,
INSTALL IT and THEN OVEWRITE 4 original files in media/classes/trucks
Drracer – David Řehoř: original Tatra model mesh maker
Outerra – for base of textures
Péter Polánszki – engine sound
Gabriel Hada – driver model remake ( original from hz888 and Pixelherder )
Anders Orum – trailers pack – https://spintires.lt/new-trailer-pack-2-v1-0/
Sincerely zidon and arraial 🙂
What’s New in Version 1.1
first release
added missing Lifter 2 addon
with my files joined to this TATRA zip file ( NEW TRAILERS ADDONS)
Author: zidon155
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