The Village of Kirov Map – SpinTires 03.03.16
Game version: SpinTires 03.03.16
The card is not big, not difficult, but not too easy.
Map 2 sawmills, 2 dressings, 1 garage, 1 automatic felling and takezhe goat for simulation mode. You begin with a UAZ-469, or take your car. Truck choose in the beginning I do not advise, because on the map there is a scene mode. I recommend to take place in Simulator mode.
Changes in version 0.2:
– Change dirt (added to the track)
– Added auto slot at the beginning of the game (the machine of your choice)
– Fixed within
– Added a couple of puddles
– Fixed White River
– Fixed a road running into a pole
Anatoly Vardugina
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