Tagged: Features

Features (idle smoke, break squeal and reverse beep) 1.1

[ad 1] With the co-operation of hz888, tanel and GizmoXomziG. I have combined some new features all in 1 pack. You truck will be able to shoot gentle idle smoke (more tweaking required still), make reverse beep sound and squeaky breaks. Now It may disable MP. However do try it out and see what you think. Make a backup of...

Features (idle smoke, break squeal and reverse beep) 1.0

[ad 1] With the co-operation of hz888, tanel and GizmoXomziG. I have combined some new features all in 1 pack. You truck will be able to shoot gentle idle smoke (more tweaking required still), make reverse beep sound and squeaky breaks. Now It may disable MP. However do try it out and see what you think. Make a backup of...