Tagged: willy

Jeep Willy Crawler – SID

[ad 1] SID stands for SpunInDarkness which is a user on the Oovee forum who has created this excellent rock crawler skin the Jeep Willy Crawler tweak i made. Really nicely done skin which gives the JWC a litle bit of extra credibility Painter: Spunindarkness ST13_-_Devdemo_-_Jeep_Willy_Crawler_SID.zip – 1.2 MB

Jeep Willy Crawler

[ad 1] « ST13 – Landrover Defender 110 softop camo ST13 – Jeep Willy Crawler March 13, 2014 | Tweaks It’s alive!! The Jeep Willy caffeïne fueled crawler :). If you already have the original Jeep Willy from Bregel installed be warned. This tweak wil overwrite the texture and xml files. But in return you get this: Bregel’s Jeep Willy...