UAZ-31512/3151 – SpinTires 03.03.16
Game version: SpinTires 03.03.16
Added native sound, a pair of new add-ons for repairs and fuel, and of booklet on the track.
UAZ-31512 and UAZ-3151 ( “kolkhoz” and “military” bridges)
set of add-ons allow skastomayzit UAZ to your taste
-also have 5 sets of wheels with different characteristics, each in its own kind of wheels good
– !!! On green UAZ and never will lock !!!!
Create fashion and envelope in the game: Dmitry Romanenko
Authors models: ooVee, UAZ4X4 2, and unknown to me
Authors textures: Dmitry Romanenko, ooVee, UAZ4X4 2
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