Tagged: spin tires mods

KenworthDH 1.0

[ad 1] Credits wheelindude. Mod description The trailer has a working airbags and shocks.i know that most dirt trucks have sleeper cabs, but it looks great with him. in addition to its more opportunities for cool color. KW_dirthauler.zip – 15.6 MB

Gaz 52 PACK

[ad 1] Credits Aleksandar Popovic (Stork0960) Mod description Gaz 52-03 (long-base) Tipper Gaz 52-04 (short-base) with a barrel Gaz 52-04 (short-base) with an empty body modsgaz52pack.zip – 53.9 MB

Suzuki Samurai full cabrio

[ad 1] It’s summertime people. Or at least it is at the time i am posting this mod. And this is the perfect sunny weather car. Made by Zidon it is a Suzuki Samuari in full cabrio mode which means top down and the windshield down. Avaible in two versions, normal and crazy (v8). Crazy little cars to go driving...